If you miss that Cray.com address, here is the next best thing.
To get your new, impressive @ExCray.com address, fill in (at least) the first four fields. Then click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page and your request will be mailed of to .
The folks at Icompute.com who generously host ExCray.com have offered to make email aliases available to Cray alumni who are listed on this site.
The way this works is that you select a name - your_name - and specify your current email address (just one address). Assuming that your_name hasn't already been assigned, email sent to will be forwarded to where you normally get mail. No new accounts. No new passwords. No mail reconfiguration. Just an impressive, exclusive mailing address!
This is being offered as a "community service" by iCompute.com. Being a free service, it is not intended for high traffic volumes, and they reserve the right to limit accounts if necessary. I thank them for all of their support and generosity.