Larry Schermer - April 5, 2003

Larry Schermer passed away on April 5, 2003

Larry Schermer died Saturday night in a sailing accident in Clearlake in Northern California sailing with an old friend. Larry was a great friend who was always supportive and we will dearly miss him.

Services will be Thursday April 10th at 12:30 PM
Hodroff & Sons Funeral Chapels
671 South Snelling Ave
Saint Paul, MN

There will be a gathering will following the service at Larry's sister's house:
2077 Scheffer
St. Paul, MN 55116-1253

Henry Newman/Stu Brodsky/Clark Piepho

From: Anita Schermer []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 6:38 PM
Subject: Online Memorial Guestbook

There is an online memorial guestbook at the Minneapolis Strib website. It
will be available until May 7. It would be a very special memory to have -
please let friends know that it is there and your memories will mean a lot
to us.

Thank you,


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